[HALUI] MDI_COMMAND=G28 MDI_COMMAND=M7 MDI_COMMAND=M9 MDI_COMMAND=o100 call <-- This line is for button on the screen (Command 03) MDI_COMMAND=o100 call <--- This one is for the physical button on t he touch plate (Command 04) MDI_COMMAND=... MDI_COMMAND=... MDI_COMMAND=... MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 X0 MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 Y0 MDI_COMMAND=G10 L20 P1 Z0 MDI_COMMAND=G0 X0 MDI_COMMAND=G0 Y0 MDI_COMMAND=G0 Z0 Entry in the pyvcp-panel.xml file This will put a button o n t he screen in Axis 100.ncg file Put the following in a file named 100.ncg and place the file in your ncg_files directory
o100 sub
( Set current Z position to 0 so that we will always be moving down )
G10 L20 P0 Z0
( Probe to Z-.5 at F2 [Uses machine units, I work in inch, this is meant to be slow!] )
G38.2 Z-.25 f2
( Set Z0 at point where probe triggers with offset of +1.007 [this is the thickness of my touch plate. You must adjust this for your plate / setup] )
(G10 L20 = Set Coordinate System // P - coordinate system 0-9 0 = Not active)
G10 L20 P1 Z1.007
( Rapid up to Z.5 above the material )
(G10 L20 P1)
(Use machine coordinates)
G53 G0
(Incremental mode)
(Rapid Z up 1 inches)
G0 Z1
o100 endsub